Allergy Clearing Program: Includes initial phone session, testing for over 100 allergens, detailed emailed reports, 7-week treatment for positive substances, and 6-month maintenance with retreatment as needed.
- Introductory Allergy Clearing Phone Session
- Work carried out asynchronously with email reports and/or voice texts.
- Testing for over one hundred allergens and any specific foods or substances you regularly eat or encounter; detailed, emailed report of each individual substance (positive or negative).
- Treatment during the first seven weeks for all substances that tested positive
- Weekly maintenance for six months: monitor and support with retreatment as necessary.* (You continue to report on any developments and may add any suspected new substances to test and clear during the six-month period.)
*Most substances clear during initial treatment time frame. Some substances may not clear 100% and require retreatment.
This option provides both the greatest value and an accelerated path toward clearing most allergens.