Allergy Clearing
Allergy Clearing work releases allergies from the body by accessing the autonomic nervous system and reharmonizing the immune system’s response to various allergens or toxins. In most cases, symptoms are greatly reduced or eliminated within the first one to three treatments and produce excellent near- and long-term results. This is quantum healing work and, like the Emotion Code, is practiced remotely. You can be allergic to what you eat, drink, breathe, touch, or otherwise encounter--including animals and other people. When your body perceives something as a threat, it takes defensive action to fight the enemy. Some health conditions caused or exacerbated by allergies include:
Itching and rashes
Atopic dermatitis causes dry, itchy, and inflamed skin.
Gastrointestinal issues
Bloating, gas, reflux, nausea, cramping or other discomfort
Respiratory issues
Symptoms ranging from mild runny nose to asthma
Head pain can range from mild to intense, including migraines.
Low energy can present as mental or physical fatigue.
Blood pressure spikes
Allergic reactions can cause anxiety and, in turn, an increase in blood pressure.
Joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and inflammation
Many studies suggest that allergies play a role in causing or worsening autistic symptoms.
Those with ADHD are more likely to have asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis and other allergies.